CFCE Project ABC offers a variety of playgroups for children and their caring adults. Our playgroups are a free resource for families in Ashland, Holliston, Hopkinton, and Natick. They are designed to help guide your child’s social-emotional development, language and communication, cognitive development, and physical health and well-being and get them ready for school.
Reccomended for 3-5 years
Learn about your child's development while you play, move, explore instruments, sing read, and have fun together. This group heavily focuses on literacy, fine motor, and gross motor development
Reccomended for 0 to 2 years
Busy Bees is a music and movement group for infants and young toddlers. This group focuses on literacy, fine motor, and gross motor development
Date: Seasonally
Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: zoom
Reccomended for 0 to 6 years
Check our website and social media for information on pop up playgroups. During the summer months and when weather allows, you can find us at local parks with chalk, bubbles, games, and more! No registration required!
Reccomended for walkers to 6 years
This playgroup is rooted in a combination of literacy development and outdoor education. Families are offered learning opportunities through access to natural surroundings fostering curiosity in learning, a love for nature and a supportive community.
Reccomended for 0 to 6 years
Join us as we explore a new theme each week based on one of our favorite books! We have STEAM, ELA, and SEL activities, and a circle time with songs and stories. We will play learn, and grow together!
A stroller walking group for caregivers looking to connect. Project ABC will help facilitate guest walkers with expertise in child development.
Interested in helping run Walk and Talk?
Nutrition for Littles
Reccomended for2 to 6 years
Our goal is to provide caregivers with the confidence and tools needed for successful feeding environments; introduce and increase acceptance of new foods, while offering a safe space for open communication with other caregivers and our YMCA nutrition staff. Nutrition for Littles will offer hands-on learning through age-appropriate cooking activities, art and crafts, gardening, and more!
Play, Learn, and Grow!

Are you curious about what we do during our Play, Learn, and Grow playgroup? We recommend this playgroup for children ages 0 to 5. Below are the areas of learning used during each group, which include different materials each week depending on the theme.
Manipulative Play—This area lets your child explore how to use their fine motor skills to move, order, turn, or screw objects to create or “solve”. This could be Magnet Tiles, puzzles, or Widgets!
Sensory Play—Sensory play is a way to stimulate the 5 senses, which has been shown to help your child learn and retain more information. The sensory play could include shaving cream, kinetic sand, or a listening station!
Gross Motor—Our gross motor station is built to help your child gain confidence and strength in their body and its movements. Children can explore our crawling tunnel, build with large blocks, or use our hopscotch rug!
Baby Rug—Babies need their own area to explore during our groups, so we dedicate a rug area where little ones can have tummy time and are encouraged through play to develop their motor skills.
Themed Activity—Project ABC will also provide an activity for your little one to participate in that relates to the theme and book of the group. Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements!
Circle Time—Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes the themed book, stories and songs, and movement activities!
Social & Emotional Learning—Project ABC is constantly looking to incorporate SEL into our groups through language and modeling techniques, in the hopes that your child will advance in their problem-solving skills, social intelligence, and creativity.
Music and Movement
Our Music and Movement playgroup is offered Fridays from 10:30 to 11:45 in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside the recreation lodge (using the north entrance). We recommend this playgroup for children ages 3 to 5, but a toddler and infant-friendly activities are always available! Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Sports section, trampolines, obstacle courses, cozy coops/ tricycles, dramatic play corner, and more!
Fine Motor- Sensory bins and tools, arts and crafts, manipulatives, cars and trucks, dramatic play materials, and more!
Themed Activity- Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements! Music and Movement themed activities are usually based on a social-emotional learning concept.
Circle time- Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Music and Movement
Our Music and Movement playgroup is offered Fridays from 10:30 to 11:45 in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside the recreation lodge (using the north entrance). We recommend this playgroup for children ages 3 to 5, but a toddler and infant-friendly activities are always available! Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Sports section, trampolines, obstacle courses, cozy coops/ tricycles, dramatic play corner, and more!
Fine Motor- Sensory bins and tools, arts and crafts, manipulatives, cars and trucks, dramatic play materials, and more!
Themed Activity- Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements! Music and Movement themed activities are usually based on a social-emotional learning concept.
Circle time- Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Music and Movement
Our Music and Movement playgroup is offered Fridays from 10:30 to 11:45 in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside the recreation lodge (using the north entrance). We recommend this playgroup for children ages 3 to 5, but a toddler and infant-friendly activities are always available! Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Sports section, trampolines, obstacle courses, cozy coops/ tricycles, dramatic play corner, and more!
Fine Motor- Sensory bins and tools, arts and crafts, manipulatives, cars and trucks, dramatic play materials, and more!
Themed Activity- Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements! Music and Movement themed activities are usually based on a social-emotional learning concept.
Circle time- Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Music and Movement

Our Music and Movement playgroup is offered Fridays from 10:30 to 11:45 in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside the recreation lodge (using the north entrance). We recommend this playgroup for children ages 3 to 5, but a toddler and infant-friendly activities are always available! Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Sports section, trampolines, obstacle courses, cozy coops/ tricycles, dramatic play corner, and more!
Fine Motor- Sensory bins and tools, arts and crafts, manipulatives, cars and trucks, dramatic play materials, and more!
Themed Activity- Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements! Music and Movement themed activities are usually based on a social-emotional learning concept.
Circle time- Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Music and Movement
Our Music and Movement playgroup is offered Fridays from 10:30 to 11:45 in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside the recreation lodge (using the north entrance). We recommend this playgroup for children ages 3 to 5, but a toddler and infant-friendly activities are always available! Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Sports section, trampolines, obstacle courses, cozy coops/ tricycles, dramatic play corner, and more!
Fine Motor- Sensory bins and tools, arts and crafts, manipulatives, cars and trucks, dramatic play materials, and more!
Themed Activity- Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements! Music and Movement themed activities are usually based on a social-emotional learning concept.
Circle time- Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Music and Movement
Our Music and Movement playgroup is offered Fridays from 10:30 to 11:45 in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside the recreation lodge (using the north entrance). We recommend this playgroup for children ages 3 to 5, but a toddler and infant-friendly activities are always available! Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Sports section, trampolines, obstacle courses, cozy coops/ tricycles, dramatic play corner, and more!
Fine Motor- Sensory bins and tools, arts and crafts, manipulatives, cars and trucks, dramatic play materials, and more!
Themed Activity- Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements! Music and Movement themed activities are usually based on a social-emotional learning concept.
Circle time- Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Music and Movement
Our Music and Movement playgroup is offered Fridays from 10:30 to 11:45 in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside the recreation lodge (using the north entrance). We recommend this playgroup for children ages 3 to 5, but a toddler and infant-friendly activities are always available! Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Sports section, trampolines, obstacle courses, cozy coops/ tricycles, dramatic play corner, and more!
Fine Motor- Sensory bins and tools, arts and crafts, manipulatives, cars and trucks, dramatic play materials, and more!
Themed Activity- Themed activities typically include the use of fine motor skills, such as cutting with scissors, gluing, or any hand and finger movements! Music and Movement themed activities are usually based on a social-emotional learning concept.
Circle time- Circle Time is a chance for children to learn, and practice their listening, self-regulation, and patience skills. Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Busy Bees

Our Busy Bees playgroup is a Music and Movement group for children 0 to 3 years old. It is offered Fridays from 9:15 am to 10:00 am in Hopkinton at the Family Outdoor Center (45 East St). During the colder months, we play, move, and sing inside in Nature's Classroom (using the south entrance). Below are some of the elements you can expect during Music and Movement!
Gross Motor- Opportunities to practice rolling over, tummy time, reaching, grabbing, kicking, pushing up, sitting up
Fine Motor- Opportunities to explore objects (wave, shake, squeeze, turn), hold two toys at the same time and transfer them hand-to-hand, hold utensils and tools, wave hello and goodbye, drop and pick up toys, put things in/out of containers, turn pages in a book, clap hands, and more
Circle time- Circle Time includes SEL strategies and games, stories and songs, and movement activities!
More fun- We also regularly use parachutes, scarves, instruments, and more!
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Grown Up and Me
Book Club

Grown Up and Me Virtual Book Club includes a book and activity basket for ten to eleven weeks of book club fun. Children and their caring adults will read select chapters or pages before meeting with the book club over zoom to do fun literacy-based activities! The purpose of this book club is to promote literacy, bring families together, and provide families with skills to be present in their children's development and love for learning.
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Pop-Up Playgroups

Check our website and social media for information on pop-up playgroups. During the summer months and when the weather allows, you can find us at local parks with chalk, bubbles, games, and more! No registration is required!
Join us for
Games and songs
Bubbles and dancing
Tunnels and obstacle courses
Chalk and Art
Stories and more!
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Little Explorers

Little Explorers is an outdoor education-based playgroup where children and their caregivers can play, learn, and discover in nature. All enrichment, games, songs, and activities are based on featured nature books. Come explore the great outdoors with Project ABC!
Activities Include:
Nature scavenger hunts
Making art with Nature
Building and navigating obstacle courses
STEAM enrichment activities
Stories and more!
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk is a caregiver-facilitated group. Run by volunteers, joining walk and talk allows caring adults to share their experiences of pregnancy, birth, parenthood, and beyond. Featured guest walkers include experts on child development, breastfeeding, safe sleep, early intervention, and more.
Location: TBD
Time: TBD