Providing educational resources to caregivers is one of the ways that we can support you as your child's first teacher. There are thousands of parent education and caregiver articles out there. It can be a lot to try to find the right resources from the right places. That is where we come in to help. The Project ABC team carefully researches, curates, and updates this list of educational articles on a monthly basis. Often, this list will be updated with articles relevant to the themes we explore in our Play, Learn, and Grow playgroup series. We also keep hard copies of featured articles on display at every playgroup so be sure to check them out!
Engaging Children in STEM Education Early!
What is the appropriate age for parents to start teaching STEM?
The Issues: Why STEM Education Must Begin in Early Childhood Education
The early childhood years, from birth to age 5, have long been accepted as the most critical point in neurological or brain development.
Top 3 Reasons Why STEM Education is Important for Preschoolers
In preschool, students are taking their very first steps into academia. But that doesn't mean that an early education classroom can't develop a sturdy foundation for some of the most technical academic fields: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, collectively known as STEM.